
What’s on the menu?

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Cops, cats, and crochet.

Who doesn’t love junky tv, kitten cuddles and a new yarn project?

Nobody, that’s who. Livin’ the dream.



Too late to celebrate?

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Hey there friends! Something happened to my Fourth of July post and unfortunately it’s taken me a while to realize it! Well, here it is again, albeit a little late at this point.

I’ll just summarize but I’ll say, my day was pretty patriotic! It started with a parade (Garrett and Ethan were jazzin it up in the Boy Scout float) with my parents, aunt and little cousins. The Scouts made a tank with cardboard and added a propane powered flamethrower! Wowza!


Very cool! After the parade I spent some time crocheting (surprise) and unfortunately a little time crying about the fact that i had forgotten sunscreen that morning. By the end of the day I had a nasty sunburn and a new hat to show for it. Thank goodness at least one of those is useful!



What’s that gal up to?

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It’s Christmas in July and the word is stripes!!!

I’m going crazy with hats and loving it! Its been primarily crochet as of late but i think i might mosey on into knitting for a while. Maybe.

Good news: I have a new job (full time, thank you very much) so not only do I have an hour lunch break to hook hook hook, I’ll soon have some expendable cash dollars to use for *gasp* yarn! For the time being, I’m working with 5 different colors of Galway, a quality yet economical choice for wool. I’m keeping track to see how many pieces I can get out of these measly 1050 yards… Haha.

Here’s a sneak peak of som patterns I’ve hooked up recently.






And to finish off this fresh post, here’s a glamour shot of one of my favorite crafty buddies


Gettin’ shit done!

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I like to write things down. I like to make sketches, lists, stories, notes. I like to use pencils. Sometimes I don’t know what to write or draw and I could use a little push. For this dilemma, I present to you: motivational pencils!


When I get stuck I just look at what’s in my hand and I get shit done.


I got these bad boys the other day and brought them to my BFF Chelsea’s house for a great night of crafting fun!

Check out what she’s working on over at Needles Thread and Love!


Where My Stitches At?

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In Santa Clara, Ca! A couple of weekends ago I was lucky enough to go to Stitches West with my good friend Dana. We were a little overwhelmed at first but only because there was so much to see! Armed with our matching mini notebooks and our love of fiber, we went in.

Dana loved the trims and buttons booths and I was instantly drawn to any booth that had spinning fibers. We found new patterns, fibers, yarns and books to order for the store and my goodness, it’s exciting! I ended up pinched between buying a enormous braid of merino wool hand dyed with red, purple and blue and a beautiful skein of sproingy wool yarn in dark blue and greeny grey. I went with the yarn… 420 yards of gorgeous aran weight deliciousness! How could I resist? That’s right, I couldn’t 😉

Dana laces it up
Dana looking at vintage trims
A Verb for Keeping Warm. This booth was beautiful!
Spin Spin
A Clemes & Clemes Spinning Wheel
Hand Painted Woolies from Wonderland Dyeworks

10 points to Gryffindor!

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Who says you can’t crochet a Gryffindor scarf for Julia in two hours when you knew about it way ahead of time and chose not to take advantage of the whole two weeks before the HP premier to make it for her stress free?

As warm and fuzzy as it is magical

Who says?

And so it begins…

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It all starts with a trusty set of tools and the drive to make. For me, that meant my trusty Gramma Sue, some blue yarn, a little hook and my stuffed sheep mentioning that he’d like a scarf, please. (With my toy sheep I’d been a yarnie all my life and never knew). At the impressionable age of 8 years old, I was led to believe that crochet was the coolest thing ever.

Luckily for me (and my toy sheep), it was totally true.

Crochet is a unique craft and a special thing. For those who don’t understand the emotional connection to learning a new craft, it’s comparable to your first school friend. You meet when you’re young and impressed by just about everything. You think Crochet is cool and cute, but she teases you and makes you blush when you can’t seem to master an even chain stitch. But then you become buds and you want to see what else your new friend can do.

Oh, the things crochet can do! Some try to compare crochet to knitting (I might in a later post, despite my own advice), but you just can’t do it and retain your sanity in the end. Crochet is so unbelievably fantastic in so many ways (and maybe a little less awesome in some respects, but we won’t go there today) that it’s really in a league of its own. You can make anything with some yarn, a hook and an imagination. The freedom crochet allows is unfathomable. You barely have to worry about dropping stitches or losing progress if your hook becomes unattached. You don’t have to go from one stitch to the next if you don’t want to, aside from potential awkwardness, you could skip 10 stitches if your heart so chose and it wouldn’t be the end of the world, just the beginning of a wondrous yarn paved journey into Awesome Town.

And since you asked, I’ll tell you a little bit about Awesome Town. It’s a magical place, meant to inspire and encourage. When you get there, everyone already knows your name and wants nothing less than for you to be happy with your stay. It’s Crochet’s favorite place and from there, you can move on to visit knitting, sewing, spinning, embroidery, dyeing and so many more things your head could explode trying to think of them all at one time. But since Crochet held your hand on the way to greatness you never forget her and always come back. Remembering the beginning is my way of moving forward. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for my Gramma and that first ball of yarn.

So, in honor of my crafty Gramma’s birthday today, I offer you another beginning. The beginning of my crafty chronicles and a little something on how I feel about crochet. The best is yet to come! Happy birthday, Gramma ❤